Thursday 23 October 2008

Oh the wind and rain

Todays heavy skies. So much rain that the little streams boil and overflow.

It is also a day for electing to stay indoors.


Griffin said...

I've had Bob Dylan's Percy's Song in my head the last few days and the chorus has Turn, turn to the wind and the rain...

I agree with the cat... much better to curl up and snooze until the next meal time! Another ginger too... thinks... is the ginger cat becoming the blogger's cat of choice?

Lovely to see the streams rising with their own energy and song. I could listen to that for hours... tho' possibly not while it's raining.

laoi gaul~williams said...

love the stream~i have always had something for streams, rivers and the sea...the urge to jump in and be part of it. now i have moved i need to get out and find 'my' stream again....